Peer-Reviewed Publications
What Motivates Innovative Entrepreneurs? Evidence from a Global Field Experiment
(with Jorge Guzman and Ananya Sen) Management Science, 2020.Mapping the Class Ceiling: The Social Class Disadvantage for Attaining Management Positions
(with Paul Ingram) Academy of Management Discoveries, 2022.Climate Change Framing and Innovator Attention: Evidence from an Email Field Experiment
(with Jorge Guzman and Ananya Sen) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 2023.
Working Papers and Works in Progress
Privilege or Humble Beginnings? How Founder and Investor Social Class Origins Affect Investor Interest. (Job market paper)
Finalist for 2023 Organization Science/INFORMS Dissertation Proposal Competition
Working-Class Founder: The Effects of Socioeconomic Origins on Entrepreneurial Entry (Data analysis stage)
Founder Socioeconomic Origins and the Language of Business (Data collection stage)